I am sick and tired of ISTA -- "...the world's leading company in the metering, billing and management of energy, water and ancillary costs..." that has institutionalized unfair and deceptive billing practices.
- My apartment complex in Seattle used ISTA for billing and no matter how early I sent my payment ISTA never credited my payment correctly on the next bill. Always saying I hadn’t paid on the next bill because their screwed up accounting system. And making me use a calculator EVERY month to subtract out my ALREADY PAID ON-TIME amount.
- Next I move into a condo in Bellevue and every they SEND US THE BILL LATE demanding payment within a day or two of receiving the invoice in the mail. Case in point, I just received the bill on January 29th with the amount due on February 1.
These guys have lousy customer service and a horrendous track record of trying to cheat their customers.
Just a few of the long list of complaints turned up by a Google search on "ista complaints"...