Sunday, January 30, 2011

ISTA North America: Institutionalized Unfair and Deceptive Utility Billing

I am sick and tired of ISTA -- "...the world's leading company in the metering, billing and management of energy, water and ancillary costs..." that has institutionalized unfair and deceptive billing practices.

  1. My apartment complex in Seattle used ISTA for billing and no matter how early I sent my payment ISTA never credited my payment correctly on the next bill. Always saying I hadn’t paid on the next bill because their screwed up accounting system. And making me use a calculator EVERY month to subtract out my ALREADY PAID ON-TIME amount.
  2. Next I move into a condo in Bellevue and every they SEND US THE BILL LATE demanding payment within a day or two of receiving the invoice in the mail. Case in point, I just received the bill on January 29th with the amount due on February 1.

These guys have lousy customer service and a horrendous track record of trying to cheat their customers.

Just a few of the long list of complaints turned up by a Google search on "ista complaints"...,-North-America-Complaints/complaint/business/Business_ID/display/150199

Friday, January 28, 2011

Exposing the Supposed Exposer

Comment I just posted after reading this online "health" article:

I work for a cancer center ( and find much of your article offensive and simply made up. I am no shill for the drug companies, many who I think are making insane profits at the expense of people getting the healhcare they need, but we do a lot of great research and we want to prevent or cure all cancers. Listen, I understand and can relate to some of your concern and skepticism. I am too; but the fact is that many of us in non-profit cancer orgs are working hard to help eliminate and reduce human suffering from cancer.

I also take great umbrage in those who question all western medicine at the same time promoting made-up or untested cures or prevention routines that are based on heresay and ad-hoc testimonials and lining the pockets of the supplement industry and quasi health care providers (your advertisers).

Your article has some good advice but also some unproven assertions: both negative towards western medical remedies and positive towards unproven non-traditional remedies.

I exercise, take a number of supplements and maintain a healthy skepticism towards all advice. I also manage a programing group at FHCRC that I believe DOES help.

Paul Litwin