Sunday, January 30, 2011

ISTA North America: Institutionalized Unfair and Deceptive Utility Billing

I am sick and tired of ISTA -- "...the world's leading company in the metering, billing and management of energy, water and ancillary costs..." that has institutionalized unfair and deceptive billing practices.

  1. My apartment complex in Seattle used ISTA for billing and no matter how early I sent my payment ISTA never credited my payment correctly on the next bill. Always saying I hadn’t paid on the next bill because their screwed up accounting system. And making me use a calculator EVERY month to subtract out my ALREADY PAID ON-TIME amount.
  2. Next I move into a condo in Bellevue and every they SEND US THE BILL LATE demanding payment within a day or two of receiving the invoice in the mail. Case in point, I just received the bill on January 29th with the amount due on February 1.

These guys have lousy customer service and a horrendous track record of trying to cheat their customers.

Just a few of the long list of complaints turned up by a Google search on "ista complaints"...,-North-America-Complaints/complaint/business/Business_ID/display/150199


  1. Maybe they must put up a centralized payment center then their billing system must go online also for the convenience of their customers.

    Accurate billing... joomla billing

  2. I too have been on ISTA about their billing practices. I pointed out to them the innaccuracies in their calculations and got the "lame " response. I have reported them to BBB where they again made a "lame" attempt at explaining their methodology. It got to the point where I believe they flagged me and refused to have contact with me. The plus side, they folded their operation here at Regency Oaks in Fern Park Florida. The bad side, is that they apparently are used to this and simply yransferred the accounts to yet another company that does the same thing, but this time they are trying to say they have no responsibility over the meters. Problem is that I know they have to get those meter readings from somewhere, and it's not coming from a hub here on the property. This kind of swindling and obfuscation needs to stop. Any thing I can do help the cause, please contact me.

  3. I too am very suspicious of their practices. I have lived in Seattle for over 16 years and have never paid as much in utilities as I did when I moved into a 1 bedroom apt. There are consistent complaints from across the country. To top things off, they never put a rate on their bills just usage and the total amount. I compared my sewer costs with that of the going commercial rate and they are charging more than 50% of that. This is outrageous.

  4. Me and my wife have recently lost our job for speaking out about their tactics aswell we over seen 237 homes and 3/4 of the unfortunate residents were really charged outrageously with no explanations for 3 months and the problems are still on going .
    Some one please e-mail with some solutions if any for these great people
    Thank you very much

  5. I have been checking out a few of your stories and i can state pretty good stuff. I will definitely bookmark your blog ISTA P
