Friday, January 28, 2011

Exposing the Supposed Exposer

Comment I just posted after reading this online "health" article:

I work for a cancer center ( and find much of your article offensive and simply made up. I am no shill for the drug companies, many who I think are making insane profits at the expense of people getting the healhcare they need, but we do a lot of great research and we want to prevent or cure all cancers. Listen, I understand and can relate to some of your concern and skepticism. I am too; but the fact is that many of us in non-profit cancer orgs are working hard to help eliminate and reduce human suffering from cancer.

I also take great umbrage in those who question all western medicine at the same time promoting made-up or untested cures or prevention routines that are based on heresay and ad-hoc testimonials and lining the pockets of the supplement industry and quasi health care providers (your advertisers).

Your article has some good advice but also some unproven assertions: both negative towards western medical remedies and positive towards unproven non-traditional remedies.

I exercise, take a number of supplements and maintain a healthy skepticism towards all advice. I also manage a programing group at FHCRC that I believe DOES help.

Paul Litwin

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